Preaching Mission

St. Joseph the Worker, May 1, 2018

Written by Team Missio | Apr 23, 2018 9:00:27 PM

Today the Church honors all workers as it celebrates St. Joseph

Reflections on the readings for St. Joseph the Worker / Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter (May 1, 2018): ACTS 14:19-28, PS 145:10-11,12-13,21, JN 14:27-31

MISSIO offers “Preaching Mission,” as a homily help, providing connections to mission from the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days. 

This feast celebrating St. Joseph the Worker is fairly new. 

It dates to 1955 when Pope Pius XII wanted to remind people about the dignity of labor without the implication of Communism or other political views. The Church has longed encouraged respect for the rights of workers. St. Joseph, a small town carpenter, was chosen by Almighty God to love and protect His Son Jesus and Mary His mother. Joseph would provide for them with the carpentry skills that he would share with his foster Son, the Son of God. Joseph also knew what it was like to seek work when he took the Holy Family to Egypt to save the life of the Infant Jesus.

Every single ordinary, yet extraordinary day of his life, Joseph put the plans and wisdom of Almighty God far above his own. Surely, in his prayers, Joseph would have said the words of the Psalmist: “All Your works give You thanks, Lord, and Your faithful ones bless You. They speak of the glory of Your reign and tell of Your mighty works” (Psalm 145:10-11). Just as we turn to Joseph as patron of the Church and patron of families, we find in this humble, courageous and faithful man the model for all who work to meet everyday human needs.