Preaching Mission

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 19, 2018

Written by Team Missio | Aug 14, 2018 6:11:04 PM


The way of Wisdom leads us away from sin and selfishness and toward Christ our Savior  

Reflections on the readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 19, 2018): PRV 9:1-6; PS 34:2-3,4-5,6-7; EPH 5:15-20; JN 6:51-58 

MISSIO offers “Preaching Mission,” as a homily help, providing connections to mission from the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days. 

Both the first and second readings today urge us to turn away from a method of thinking, a way of life centered on our own preferences and worldly considerations; that is, in fact, foolish and imprudent.

Instead, we need to give ourselves over to the Spirit of Wisdom so that we can be transformed. Through sincere discernment discernment and good judgment, people of faith let God guide us in rejecting sin. We allow God to help us rebuff the many temptations that lead us to choose what is evil and disregard what is good. “Do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord.… Be filled with the Spirit… singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father” (Ephesians 5:17-20). 

Through the Holy Spirit, we can know true joy and peace by being receptive to knowing, loving and serving God by seeking His will. Christ, through His incarnation, death and resurrection saved us for Himself. His teachings were those of forgiveness and mercy and the Son of God expects us to imitate Him. In gratitude to our Redeemer, we need to live our days as His own children. We need to share His message with our brothers and sisters through our prayers, words and actions. Deciding to trust Jesus is the first step on our path to paradise, our path home to our beloved Lord.