Mission In Scripture

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 20, 2021

Written by Team Missio | Jun 15, 2021 3:32:17 PM


Through the storms of life, Jesus cares and stays with us

Reflections on the readings for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 20, 2021): JB 38:1,8-11; PS 107:23-24,25-26,28-29,30-31; 2 COR 5:14-17; MK 4:35-41

MISSIO offers “Mission In Scripture” to nurture a missionary heart, providing reflections on the missionary themes in the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days.

“They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?””  (Mark 4:41)

In the Gospel for last Sunday, we heard Jesus preaching to the crowds by the Sea of Galilee. Today He has finished teaching through parables and wants to go to the other side of the sea by boat. We can imagine His exhaustion and are not surprised that He fell asleep. But the Apostles who are handling the boat are soon alarmed by a sudden squall and the waves breaking over the sides. So they wake Him up, saying, “‘Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?’ He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then He asked them, ‘Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?’ They were filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?’” (Mark 4:38-41) 

We can probably identify with the Apostles’ anxiety. Several are fishermen and surely recognize a dangerous storm. Their first thought is to seek Jesus’ help. But after He calms the wind and stops the rain, He questions their faith. As natural as their fear seems to us, if they really trusted Him would they been scared for their lives? After all, what did they want Christ to do? Lend a hand with the boat? But if they expected the miracle they witnessed, then why were they so shocked when the wind and sea obeyed His command? They could not know what Jesus would do – just that He would do something to help. Perhaps they simply wanted Him with them in a dark and troubled moment. When we face our own fears and troubles, we often ask for our Lord to help us even if we do not know how He will do it. Whether He stops the storm, or gives us the guidance and courage to ride it out, or sends someone to assist us, He cares and He stays with us. Maybe that was what really bothered Jesus: that they asked if He did not care about them. Someday they would know just how much. 

Suggested missionary action: We can ask Christ to grant us peace and calm our fears. And we can also ask Him to help us help others suffering from anxiety in these difficult times. We can all find hope in His mercy. And on this Father’s Day, let us pray for all fathers, living and deceased.