Mission In Scripture

The Ascension of the Lord ~ May 30, 2019

Written by Team Missio | May 28, 2019 9:00:24 PM

Our part of the Lord's 'Great Commission'...

Reflections on the readings for the Ascension of the Lord (May 30, 2019): ACTS 1:1-11; PS 47:2-3,6-7,8-9; EPH 1:17:23; LK 24:46-53

MISSIO offers “Mission In Scripture” to nurture a missionary heart, providing reflections on the missionary themes in the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days

As we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, we think not only about the last moments of Jesus' time among His disciples, but also of the beginning of their task as preachers of His word.

From the night of the Last Supper through His arrest, trial, torture and crucifixion, they had suffered fear, cowardice, guilt and confusion. With Christ’s Resurrection and His appearance to them, they knew that everything He had said was real, and that He Himself was the Truth. In the glory of Jesus, Son of God and of Man, they experienced mercy and compassion. “Then He led them out as far as Bethany, raised His hands, and blessed them. As He blessed them He parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did Him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy” (Luke 24:50-52).

His Apostles and other followers must have experienced a natural sadness that their cherished Lord was departing from them. Yet the wonder of knowing that He was the Son of God and Redeemer of the world… that He has chosen them as the first members of His Church… and that He was sending them out to invite others into a personal relationship with Him, filled them with happiness. It is a joy that is open to all of us who embrace belief in Christ our Lord and offer it to others.

Suggested missionary action:  Let us pray for all of today’s missionaries as we recall the first followers of our Lord to spread the faith. We can also give them material support by contributing to the work of the Church’s missions.