Mission In Scripture

Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels - October 2, 2020

Written by Team Missio | Sep 29, 2020 5:58:13 PM


Celebrating God’s gift of a heavenly companion... 

Reflections on the readings for the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels (October 2, 2020): JB 38:1,12-21;40:3-5; PS 139:1-3,7-8,9-10,13-14; MT 18:1-5,10 

MISSIO offers “Mission In Scripture” to nurture a missionary heart, providing reflections on the missionary themes in the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days

We can help our angel help us, by cooperating with their efforts on our behalf in knowing, loving and serving God.     

This day celebrates all the Guardian Angels our Heavenly Father has sent to look after all His beloved sons and daughters. The Church honors them because of their special bond with us. While we often associate these angels with little children, they are actually our companions each day of our life on earth. We may feel alone and lonely, even abandoned, especially in difficult times. Or we can be surrounded by family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors and be overwhelmed by the busyness of daily living. But we always have the company of a holy being sent by God to journey with us through life. We may not think about them, but they are here to fulfill the sacred will and plan of God for our welfare. Guardian Angels watch over us and intercede for us. They particularly try to shield us from sin and then help us get up when we fall into temptation.  

We can help our angel help us, by cooperating with their efforts on our behalf in knowing, loving and serving God. Pope Pius VI wrote a prayer that we can say often: “O Angel of God, to whose holy care I am committed by the supernal clemency, enlighten, protect, defend, and govern me. Amen.” We can also offer our gratitude to God for their constant companionship both here and now, and during all of eternity. It was out of His unfathomable love that God sent our angel to us. And this heavenly spirit guards and guides us out of love for God. We can ask our angel to help us grow more and more deeply in love with the Creator who made us both. 

Suggested missionary action:  Let us ask our Guardian Angel to guide us in the path our Lord wants us to take each day. Let us regularly ask for help in being and doing all He wants.   

For resources for the celebration of World Mission Sunday / Mission Month, including materials for prayer and reflection, visit this website.