Mission In Scripture

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 28, 2018

Written by Team Missio | Oct 22, 2018 6:46:16 PM


A blind man sees – and finds His Savior

Reflections on the readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 28, 2018): JER 31:7-9; PS 126: 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6; HEB 5:1-6; MK 10:46-52    

MISSIO offers “Mission In Scripture” to nurture a missionary heart, providing reflections on the missionary themes in the readings of Sundays, Feast Days and Holy Days.

Today’s Gospel recounts one of Jesus’ many miracles, yet one with some unusual elements. 

We encounter a blind man named Bartimaeus begging at the side of the road where Christ and a large crowd of His followers are walking. The man is overwhelmed by his chance to ask Jesus to cure him. Certainly, news of Jesus and His words of salvation and power of healing have reached him. Perhaps, Bartimaeus had even imagined what it would be like if they met. At any rate, he calls out to our Lord who responds by asking what he desires“The blind man replied to Him, ‘Master, I want to see.’ Jesus told him, ‘Go your way; your faith has saved you.’ Immediately he received his sight and followed Him on the way” (Mark 10:51-52). 

Here was someone who knew just what he wanted: his eyes to be opened. And they were. Jesus saw so much of worth in Bartimaeus who had called our Lord “Son of David” and “Master.” The former blind man was already prepared to claim Him as the Messiah. And without needing a special invitation, this man instantly became a disciple. He did not simply thank Jesus, but allowed Him to transform his whole life. Christ rescued not only Bartimaeus’ body, but also his soul. If we let our God fill us with His grace, we, too, can have our life, our world, changed in time and eternity. 

Suggested missionary action: We can look to Bartimaeus as a model of enthusiastic response to Christ’s love. Let’s ask our Lord to help us share His joy wherever we go. And we can also pause to appreciate our senses and all we are able to see, hear, taste, smell and touch.

October is Mission Month. Be a voice for mission with MISSIO