Holy Thursday: What Else Should We Do 'In Memory' of Him?

Posted by James Nagle of Team MISSIO on Apr 9, 2020 10:54:53 AM


How does hope change us?

What else should we do "in memory" of Him this Holy Thursday?

Pope Emeritus Benedict says: “The one who has hope lives differently; the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life.”

Don’t worry. This is not an uninformed pep talk to be less afraid of the pandemic. It is simply this:
Lent is our season to remember who we are. We are children of hope who live to love and serve God – through serving others.

While we may not be washing each other’s feet today, many essential workers, first responders, and healthcare workers are. So, we hold them all in our prayers as we have the limit but also opportunity to serve those closest to us.

As I am sure many of you are experiencing, it is not easy being confined in the house with spouses and children for days. In this challenging time, this season of Lent, remember who we are.

In your family, ask yourself how you can lighten burdens, lessen fears, and show each other we are loved. Whatever the answer is in your home, do that. And then do it more.

If you are alone at home or if you have family members living with you, you can also look beyond the walls of your home.

We might be social distancing for important reasons, but it does not make us isolated islands. We remain social creatures, created to love and serve the Lord – and each other.  

Try making daily phone calls to friends and families. Set up virtual dinner parties and play dates, brunches and recipe swaps. Keep the idea in your minds that things can get better. If Lent teaches us one thing, it is that we are not destined to live in the dark forever.

We have come to know the God of unexpected possibility, the God of surprise, and yes, the God of hope.

MISSIO offers this blog by James Nagle Ph.D. to reflect on questions of mission and faith.


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